Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Reflections of AED

1. I expected to learn the different forms of art and the way things are represented in art. I wanted to have a better appreciation and understanding for art works. Everything I expected and wanted to learn from this course I got. I actually got more than I expected from this course.
2. Now that I went through this course my definition of art remains the same with the addition, that art is all around us. That the elements and principles of art is in every aspect of our every day art. That art doesn't just have to be the paintings on the walls but go far beyond the walls. That history has an important influence on art. It is therapeutic to me because I had to actually engage myself in some projects that created a sense of calmness within me.
3. I didn't have a favorite visual artist in my original posting, but now I like Picasso and the abstract ideas. More modern artist I like Kara Walker. I like Picasso and his abstract work because you have to really look at the picture and sometimes you can look at it a few times and notice something new and different each time. I like Kara Walker because of her depiction of the African American heritage and the style and mediums she used in her art work.
4. My answer is still the same. Online courses are nice. The instructor for this course provided us with great resources to allow us to complete the tasks assigned. Online courses requires more self discipline but are convenient. Beats having to go out in the snow and walk across campus.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Self Portrait

1. I selected the inspirational pieces because they ranged in the way they were portrayed. The images that I captured allowed me to come home and look at various ways of producing my own self portrait.
2. I selected the media for my self portrait because I wanted the portrait to be plain but also show me. I didn't want to get too caught up in the colors and take away from the image.
3. The challenges I had was trying to figure out which medium and how I wanted to present the self portrait. I over cane this problem by looking at the various images I captured and asking myself, what exactly do I want the observer to see.
4. This piece represent me, because it is a random portrait of me doing absolutely nothing but relaxing at home in my room and with my shades on. Every knows me by my shades. I also chose this picture because this was a new hairstyle for me. So for me it represents a different me.
5. I used the elements of line, form and space in this portrait.
6. I enjoyed working on this project because it cause me to think of how I wanted to represent myself in the portrait, even though I can not draw.
7. I think my final artwork is good. I can not draw, but I did try my hardest to create a picture that resembles what I was trying to say.

Frida Kahlo
                                           Self Portrait with Monkey, 1938
                                                                              Oil on Masonite
Storm Tharp
                                                                                                        Miss Cloud, 2009
                                                                                                         Ink, gouache, colored pencil, graphite, charcoal and fabric dye on paper
Medardo Rosso
                                                                                                                  Eta d'ora (The Golden Age) 1886 Wax on Paper

Charcoal on paper

Friday, December 10, 2010

Art Criticism

1. I reviewed two projects Motivation by George P. A. Campbell and The Wonders of Life by Emily Graham.
2. I selected to critique George P. A. Campbell's Motivation because of the title and because of his post in the discussion forum. I could not wait to see the end result of his project because it seemed as though it had more of a personal meaning then just looking online for art work to fit into a theme.
3. Challenges I faced was trying to stay objective, keeping my own opinions out of the art work. To actually look at each work and analyze the slides for what they where. It was hard with such a personal and strong message. I'm not really sure I overcame them but I went through the slide quite a few times looking for the content and not what I wanted to see.
4. I liked it, I don't know if it was great but I hope he really sees the impact that his art work has created in his peer.
5. I would like to read what others thought of my art work because, it helps me to see if the message I was trying to convey was received. Feedback is also good if you ever intend to grow.
6. I would rate my finish article at maybe a 8. I think I did a pretty good job at capturing what he intended for the observer to capture.
7. I enjoyed working on the project. I think I enjoyed it more because of the discussion forum. It gave me a chance to see what was the reasons and what were the possibilities of exhibits to come. The forum also, helped me in creating my own exhibit because it gave me a glimpse at what may be of interest to my peers. Other reasons I enjoyed it was because of the message I wanted to convey and the family involvement which sometimes get overlooked in our busy schedules as adults.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week 15 Video Reviews

1. Greenberg on Art Criticism: An Interview by T. J. Clark- I learned from this video writing about visual art is tougher than writing about literature or music. Visual art is different from music in that it doesn't have a score. Ready to accept anything that was good. Critics are receptive and open you do not have to necessarily know your history. Greenberg feels like there is a crisis of taste.Feels we don't know what goes on with intuition.
   Greenberg on Pollock: An Interview by T. J. Clark- I learned from this video the critic feels Pollock expressed himself well. Pollock never listened to what was written about him. Now famous artist are celebrities.
   An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance (Giorgio Vasari)- I learned from this video Vasari's book of biographies was influential to many artists. Art is continuously changing and current artists cannot be where they are if they had not learned from the masters of their past. Great artist of the past helped current artist revitalize past techniques.
   The Critics: Stories from the Inside Pages- I learned from this video mass media is the one who gets us to look at art the most. Some artist don't like critics because they don't know how to be critics. Sometimes critics are too critical. Critics are used to get people to think. Review is an informed opinion and criticism is more analytical.
   The Colonial Encounter: Views of Non-Western Art and Culture- I learned from this video images of the colonies were not coherent or consistent. Images reinforce ideas of primitive and savage people.
   Jackson Pollock: Michael Fried and T. J. Clark in conversation- I learned from this video that both men regard Pollock as a key figure who brings a lot of issues to sharp and problematic focus. Tine has brought change. Quality of painting is its ability to articulate for us.
2. The films relate to the art criticism project to me because they help give me ideas of what to look for and how to verbalize what it is that I am seeing in a way that will be understood and stand out to those reading my criticism.
3. The videos add depth and understanding to art criticism for me. They help me to understand that although you want to keep an open mind sometimes your personal thoughts and opinions come through. That there are many aspects of art to consider and what you though maybe in earlier years can change in later years.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reflection Journal

I enjoyed doing this project. Looking at the various art and trying to figure out what would work was fun. Because the theme was that of family and with love me and my children went through the different websites and images together. I had a few problems with the power point and had to call a friend a couple of times to get me on track. As a whole I would say that this project did require time and effort but once I finished and look through the slides I was happy with the end result. It allow me to look at art and interpret it and maybe see things that just at a glance I didn't notice. I am happy to say that I'm glad its finished because it holds a nice portion of our grade, but I am also happy to say I enjoyed the time that art and this project has given me with my children. I hope you guys enjoy the slides.