Saturday, September 25, 2010

Art making/material exploration #1

1. Discuss what you thought about creating the Value Scale and Color Wheel.
I thought creating the value scale and color wheel would be a lot easier. The video for the value scale was okay, but the video for the color wheel had no sound. I used my book as a reference and did the best I could. All in all both were nice to make.
2. Which media did you enjoy working with the best and why?

I enjoyed working with the paint best because of the consistency. The first time I tried using the charcoal but made a mess. Using the pencil just seemed average because I use pencils on a daily basis.
3. What was the most important discovery in the creation of these studies?
The most important thing I learned was that making a value skill is not as easy as it looks. You have to be careful and pay attention to the different values when creating the value scale.
4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
The most important thing I learned from the video that value and gradient can be used as the same word. Another thing I learned from the video is that depending on what type of medium you use, you should take into account the type of paper you are going to be using for the value scale. The value scale video was helpful, but the color video did not have any sound. It was not entirely too bad the pictures were clear and you could see the way the colors were mixed together.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Color Theory and Emotional Effects

1. Color is used to illicit specific human emotions. Colors leave an impression on the human mind and may be resonant in our unconscious, as when we are sleeping and dreaming. Color also creates mobile, moving edges and affections. Colors can create love hate relationships. The bolder a color is, it is thought to express a strong emotion.
2. A theoretical aspect of color that most interest me is that feelings are difficult to paint. I found that to be interesting because we all interpret things differently. Most people view black as a color of grief and sadness, but still others view it as happiness or even neutral. With ambiguous meaning to what the color actually meant it makes it difficult to paint a feeling.
3. What made the biggest impact on me in the Color video was an artist using red in a cafe because of his dislike of the place and the color red was to illicit a response to ruin the observers appetite.
4. In the Feelings video the biggest impact on me was when Goya began painting after his illness. His paintings went from filled with bright, happiness colors to not so vibrant paintings. It was a dark side to him that mixed reality with imagination. He felt that unreason would always come back. I found it interesting how it showed in his work. How a bad life experience can change our output.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Week 2

1. In the Aesthetics: Philosophy of Arts video I learned about the different views and perspectives of various philosophers throughout history and their roles in defining art and aesthetics. It was very interesting to hear the different views and how they related to current modern day works of art. It helps me to generate a better understanding of what art actually is. In the CARTA : Neurobiology Neurology and Art and Aesthetics it was interesting to see the different ways that we process art. It's not as simple as just looking at a picture. So many different elements and parts of the brain are actually helping us to interpret art.
2. I like the theory presented by Kant, who I believe is from the Renaissance era. I like the idea of beauty is in the eye of the person viewing the art and is subjective to our own interpretation. He believes that we can beautify even the ugly aspects of art because beauty is not rule bound, but based on feelings.
3. Changeux believes art is distinct from language and is a form of nonverbal communication. He used the term esthetic efficacy which is the effects on emotion and reason. Its interesting to see that we use bottom-up processing when looking at art. The way our brains interpret colors, depth, faces, images and the emotions we experience plays a role in the way we understand art. We are interpreting art on conscious as well as unconscious levels. Ramachandran states that art is created as a pleasing effect to the human brain. I like what he said about art having cultural influences, but also having a universal set of laws.
4. The videos relate to the readings because they discuss the concepts of aesthetics and the way we interpret art and its meanings from the biological aspect.
5. I believe the films were a great advantage and add on to the readings. They helped to explain different views of aesthetics and philosophical views. I also like the other video because it helps us understand how our brains process what we are actually seeing and why we have diversity in the way we interpret the same works of art.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Post

1. Creating a gmail acct was simple because I already have one through my cell phone carrier. Creating a blogger acct was simple following the powerpoint that was provided to us.
2. I expect to learn more about art and all its different forms. I expect to gain a better understanding and appreciation of art pieces.
3. I feel pretty comfortable with online classes. Most of my experience thus far have been good ones.